
Traditional cuisine and seasonal dishes

The restaurant

The restaurant offers a varied menu based on regional products like vegetables, sausages, snails, mushrooms and game meat. The respect for the traditions, as well the attentive and kind service make that all those who visit El Molí wish to come back.

In the El Molí restaurant you will find a traditional cuisine with 35 years of history, elaborated with first class products and presented with an up-to-date touch.

The Lladó family, first the founders Pere and Angelina and now their children, Marc, Jordi and Eva, make the client enjoy quality and professionalism, both in the kitchen and in the service. Come visit us and you will see that El Molí is worth your time.

We also have dishes for coeliacs.

Meal times: Lunch time from 12.30h to 15.00h  and dinner time from 19.30h to 22.00h.

The restaurant is closed on Monday evening, Tuesday evening and Wednesday all day.

Closed for holidays from September 29 of 2025 to October 9 of 2025 and from December 22 of 2025 to January 22​ of 2026.